Sole with asparagus, samphire, mousseline and shrimps Recipe

After making this recipe (and the result was delicious) I'd say: don't try this at home.
Because it is clearly from a chef who has to assistants to help him. Just before serving you have to do 3 things at the same time: making the sauce, frying the fish and grilling the asparagus.

But, if you insist: pre-heat the oven at 65°C and put your plates in to warm.

Peel 4 white asparagus, cook them in about 9 mins.then keep warm in the oven.

Slowly clarify 50 gr butter in a small saucepan. When the butter has completely melted, skim the surface using a small skimmer. Decant the clarified butter. Keep warm.

Boil 25 gr samphire for 3 mins. Drain, dry and mix with a bit of butter. And keep warm in the oven.

Beat 50 ml whipping cream until you obtain a whipped cream, using an electric whisk. Set aside.

Then it's time for the grand finale.

Place 2 egg yolks in a sauté pan. Season with salt and a pinch of Piment d'Espelette. Add 2 tbsp of water.

1 - Vigorously beat the eggs, using a small whisk...... making 8-shaped movements, while cooking on slow heat.
Cooking should be done at a temperature of approximately 65°C in order to obtain a sabayon sauce. (Prefer the use of a stainless steel or copper saucepan.)

When the preparation has the consistency of a cream, take the recipient off the heat. (Every motion of the whisk should be such that you can see the bottom of the recipient.) During the cooking process, if you notice the egg yolks are too thick, you can add a little extra water.

Away from the heat, gradually add the clarified and decanted butter to the sabayon sauce, and combine with a small whisk. Add some drops of lemon juice.

Gently add the whipped cream to the hollandaise sauce.
Combine gently with a rubber spatula. Adjust the seasoning if needed.
Keep warm on low heat. Do not use bain-marie cooking, as this could cause the sauce to collapse.

2 - At the same time take the cooked asparagus from the oven and grill them in a hot grillpan.
Cut each spear in 3 pieces

  • 3 - Also heat a large skillet over high heat. Add in about 3 tablespoons butter.         Saute 4 fillets of sole, cooking on each side (on high heat about 2 minutes per side) or until just cooked through.
Serve as shown, with some brown shrimps. And: good luck!

(Based on this recipe by Broes Tavernier)

from simple food, looking good
Sole with asparagus, samphire, mousseline and shrimps Recipe
