Start a day in advance with leche de tigre. Blend 25g peeled and hacked ginger, 1 hacked stalk of celery, 1/2 jalapeño, 15g caster sugar and 1 big clove of garlic, then add 200 ml fresh lime juice and blend for another 2 mins. Taste and add salt.
Put trough a ball strainer and really press out the pulp
Warm 100ml sunflower oil to 70°C. Blanche a handful of mint, then cool under cold water, put in a tea towel and wring out the moisture. Hack and blend the mint with the warm oil. Leave overnight then strain with cheese cloth.
The next day thinly slice a courgette lengthwise. Cut 1/2 green paprika in small strips.
Hack the stems of 40g coriander.
Thinly slice a 250g filet of hake.
Put the fish, the coriander and the paprika strips in a bowl and mix with 100g of the leche de tigre, for 3 mins.
Plate as shown, with courgette flower and mint leaves. Finally drip over 2 tbsp of the mint oil.
(Recipe from Delicious magazine)
from simple food, looking good
Hake ceviche with courgette Recipe
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