molen banana ( pisang molen ) recipes :
information for those of you who like to cook. on this occasion I will give you some information about easy ways to make delicious banana molen. The food is often sold one traditional markets and street food snacks. besides it tastes good, has a banana molen savory and crunchy texture. Banana Molen therefore often favored as a family snack.
ingredients molen banana ( pisang molen ):
6 pieces of plantain or banana horns
Oil for mengoreng
Ingredients molen banana ( pisang molen ) Leather:
350 gr flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
50 g powdered sugar
125 gr margarine
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
75 ml of water
How to Make molen banana ( pisang molen ):
Cut the bananas crosswise and then cut to taste.
For leather: Mix all dry ingredients together and stir well. Add margarine and mix stir with fingertips until small grains grained.
Pour a little bit of water while stirring with a wooden spoon, until dough is smooth.
Roll the dough to the thinness of 2.5mm
Cut pieces of dough so that it becomes as wide as 3 cm long ribbon.
Wrap each banana slices, until the dough covered bananas.
Fry in plenty of oil until golden brown and hot. Remove and drain.
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