If you have to economise at the end of the month this is not hardship, your butcher will ask about 9 euro per kilo and it is delicious.
Cover a 400 grs beef or veal cheek lightly with oil, some salt and pepper and grill them till nicely browned.
Melt 30 gr butter and sweat a diced shallot and 4 mushrooms. Add 3/4 liter of beet juice, 1/4 liter of beefstock, 150 ml red wine and some thyme. Then slowly braise the cheek in it for 4 and possibly 5 hours.
Take out the meat and keep warm and discard the rest and reduce the liquid till you have a nice thick sauce.
Fry some shiitake and other mushrooms in some butter.
Serve with nice salad leaves
(Recipe by Aussi chef Shannon Bennett)
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