Spinach in garlic yoghurt and spicy minced meat Recipe

Looking good? No, it's not an elegant dish, but believe me: it tasts great. So I decided to share it with you

Get the filling out of 250g fennel sausages and season with 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp ground cumin and a pinch of cayenne.

Grate 1 clove of garlic into 250g Greek yoghurt, season with salt and stir well.

Stir fry 200g spinach in a glug of olive oil and cool

Stir fry the minced meat for about 4 mins

Squeeze the water from the spinach, hack roughly and stir into the yoghurt

Start plating with the yoghurt/spinach, cover with the minced meat.

Finish with soft boiled eggs and some dill. 

Serve with Lebanese or toasted Turkish bread

(Here Sake Slootweg's original recipe in Dutch)

from simple food, looking good
Spinach in garlic yoghurt and spicy minced meat Recipe
