Turnip greens, anchovies and spaghetti Recipe

Looking good? No, it's not an elegant dish, but believe me: it's fingerpicking good. So I decided to share it with you

Toast 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds, 2 tbsp pine nuts and 2 tbsp sunflower seeds in a dry pan, reserve,

Thinly slice 2 cloves of garlic and hack 8 anchovies and panfry them in 3 tbsp olive oil till the garlic is golden brown and the fish melted in the oil

Boil 200g spaghetti

Add 50 ml white wine to the anchovies oil, drain the pasta and stir into the anchovies oil.

Serve with 200g turnip greens, the toasted nuts and a mozzarella.

Season with pepper and eventually some extra virgine olive oil

(Here Yolanda van der Jagt's original recipe in Dutch)

from simple food, looking good
Turnip greens, anchovies and spaghetti Recipe
